Brown Eyed Ram

In a lot of ways, this is exactly the pep talk I needed to have on my first workday without my friend and mentor, The Magpie. Even though she says she won’t miss me, I will miss her dearly. She taught me how to fly, but now it’s time to soar.

The LadyBird Magpie of East York

I don’t really believe in astrology, but historically I’ve found myself to be more friendly with capricorns, aquarius’ and tauruses.  Never really found myself close to an Aries, and as such I think of her as quite the an unlikely friend.  Not only is she an Aries, but she’s also 9 years my junior and I met her only because I hired her way back in 2010.  Unlikely a friendship as it may seem, she’s pretty much been by my side since then.

I remember what she wore for her interview–it was quite formal, a white blouse and a high waisted black skirt.  I don’t think she was wearing heels though–she wasn’t able to really pull off heels until about 2012.  I was looking for someone at the time to be part of the department I was building in my previous company, and between her, and one other girl, I…

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6 thoughts on “Brown Eyed Ram

  1. Smash – I know we’re friends and all but BUT I’m so in love with your whiteboard right now I could – well – you know. Let me send you an email and don’t call any of those numbers in the attachment. : )


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